Our latest Newsletter containing our recent events, upcoming events and an updated calendar of events.
Autumn 2020
Our Autumn newsletter will get you caught up on the Trust’s Hassel Island dock rebuild and includes a wonderful article on the De Beltjen ruins which are in the process of being renovated. This article was written by Martin Bottell.
April 2020
COVID-19 really threw the trust for a loop in the Spring of this year, closing the museum, but the Trust is adapting with the times. The museum is open on an appointment basis and Hassel Island Tours will resume as soon as repairs to the Hassel Island Dock are completed, pending approval by the Army Corps of Engineers.
June 2018
Our second major fundraising event took place May 18 through May 26th. Over 100 pieces of art from Virgin Islands artists were on display. Learn about where some of our place-names came from, about Magens Bay and about Emancipation Park.
MARCH 2018
This first post-hurricane issue contains information about the fundraiser that was held at Felipe Ayala's house, info about the publication of our January 2017 Art Show book, a schedule of our monthly downtown guided tours, and a summary of hurricane damaged historical structures.
MAY 2017
This issue contains the announcement of our new museum on Raadets Gade, info on the Danish Gothic handwriting seminar, a schedule of events, an update on recently finished project at Fort Christian with money raised by the Trust.