Mission: To identify, protect and preserve the history, sites and culture of St. Thomas.
Some of the St. Thomas' greatest treasures, both architecturally and culturally, are threatened by neglect, natural disasters and general disinterest. We aim to protect these areas from total disappearance, but we cannot achieve our goals alone.
Find out how you can help.
Find out about our organization, and the results of our decades of preservation efforts.
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Ready to take the next step? You can become a member of our organization and participate yourself.
Museum Hours: Monday-Friday: 10am-2pm, Saturday: 11am-3pm.
email: Execdirector@StThomasHistoricalTrust.org
mailing address: P.O. Box 6707, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands 00804
phone: (340) 774-5541